A new perspective on the creative economy, culture & creative industries.
Once, not that long ago, wealth, growth and innovation relied on natural resource intensive, large-scale manufacturing industries allied to global mass distribution of physical goods. We are moving rapidly to a new industrial model based on creativity, digital technology, talent and knowledge – this is the Second Creative Revolution.
The global market provides the simplest and most dramatic way of showing this revolution - through the way it values businesses. Where once we saw oil, automotive and retail companies dominate the list of most valuable companies, now they are almost exclusively technology companies – Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook.
The creative sector is central to this revolution - globally recognised for its important economic contribution; the investment & export opportunities it creates; its social, cultural and commercial impact and the vibrant far-reaching international identity it can create for towns, cities, regions & countries. The creative industries have gone from cottage industry to a global economic powerhouse - a sector of strategic importance and further significant potential.
For content producers and creative entrepreneurs, production costs have fallen, distribution has become truly ubiquitous and new technologies have enabled previously unthinkable applications. These digital-creative industries are generating new opportunities for trade, growth and entrepreneurship, allowing creators to reach global audiences through platforms. It is a sector that has innovation at its heart and one that is increasingly and intrinsically linked to the knowledge & digital economies. The creation of a strong digital-creative economy is a driver of sustainable growth and innovation ecosystems that impact across economic sectors.
So, what needs to be done by governments and global agencies to access the benefits of this creative revolution? The key is recognising that creative innovation extends far beyond what is normally perceived as the creative industries and into every sector of the global economy. Look at the impacts of immersive content production on the construction and healthcare sectors, of digital storytelling on tourism and democracy and of creative thinking in corporate governance and leadership.
The creative and cultural industry’s importance to that process needs to be fully recognised. We have to understand that the new economic and social landscape is fundamentally different to what we’ve known for the last two hundred years. Creativity, science, technology, art and culture are part of a single process, a whole that we should no longer describe through the terminology of sectors. They are simply an element of a complex but powerful creative innovation ecosystem.
The digital-creative industries offer equitable substantial economic growth, wealth creation and entrepreneurship whilst creating a stronger social and cultural fabric – something that not many traditional industries and sectors can claim. So, combining digital technology, culture, people and creative education will drive the innovation we need for the next industrial revolution.
If we want to achieve these things, if we want to build a more inclusive, more sustainable and more equitable world then we’ll find that in the new Renaissance of a digital-creative future.
The full online article can be read in Diplomatic World
Artisans of Innovation.
Johanna Kouzmine-Karavaïeff (Suo) - Cultural Strategy
Khawar Hameed - Digital Innovation & Transformation
Peter Rudge - Cultural & Creative Clusters