Johanna Kouzmine-Karavaïeff
Founding Partner & Principal Consultant in Culture and Creative
Email: johanna@ifa-laboratory.com
Johanna is a consultant, expert and researcher with vast experience in culture sector strategy, policy development, culture and creative sector supportive mechanisms, culture and creative economy, culture in economic diversification, innovation for and with culture and creative sectors, cross-sector collaboration, intersectoral policy, sustainable international cultural relations, innovation of arts & crafts, and sustainable cultural tourism.
In 2023 Johanna authored a policy brief for the intergovernmental Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture on arts & design-based collaboration and cross-innovation. Since then she has focused on developing methodologies for intersectoral policy and sustainable strategy for culture and creative industries.
She has extensive experience with both private and public sectors, and experience ranges from art collections to governments. In 2022 Johanna did a study on cultural economy development for the ministry of finance, department of foresight, in Algeria in the context of the EU-Algeria Association Agreement. The outcome with her work were operational mechanisms and policy advice for an economically viable cultural policy.
She is an academic & scientific board member of South South Cooperation Council having facilitated the preparation of a culture programme on a culture of peace in Africa.
In her position as ambassador for culture, external relations and development at Diplomatic World Institute she for example contributed with a series of articles on the theme: “Can the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development innovate cultural diplomacy?"
A Herrman Wholebrain Thinking assessment showed that Johanna has a yellow profile (creative, imaginative, intuitive, holistic) – and is thus well-suited to working with, and adapting to, innovation processes.
She is an alumni of the prestigious German Marshall Fund of the United States, Marshall Memorial Fellowship.
Johanna can deliver work e.g. in the following areas:
Assessments, mappings, value-chain analysis, evaluations
Policy analysis and advice,
Policy and advocacy,
Intersectoral ready cultural policy,
Investment strategies,
Development of cultural diplomacy and cultural relations programmes,
Facilitation of business model innovation in CCS,
Facilitation and implementation of CCS ecosystems,
Strategy, thought leadership, keynote speeches, concept development
Johanna can be contacted at: johanna@ifa-laboratory.com​​